Prevention plan key to controlling diseases
From seedling to bacterial to viral to foliar, dry beans are more susceptible to diseases than most other crops. With such
a high potential for the occurrence of yield robbing diseases, a comprehensive prevention plan is essential for a successful
season. Key components of that plan should include the selection of resistant varieties and rotation of crops. Scouting
for insects, like white flies and aphids, that transmit disease is also part of an effective management strategy. A seed
treatment can be useful in preventing or reducing the effects of fusarium, rhizoctonia and pythium. A timely fungicide
application can also help manage sclerotinia (white mold).

Propulse doesn't mess around when it comes to providing best-in-class protection against the deadliest dry bean diseases including sclerotinia and anthracnose.
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Weed management contributes to yield and quality
Weed populations always have the potential to gain the upper hand on dry bean crops. That’s why it’s important to closely
monitor and scout all season long for weeds like wild buckwheat, kochia, green & yellow foxtail, wild oats, stinkweed,
redroot pigweed, Canada thistle, sow thistle and lady’s thumb. In addition to scouting, an effective weed control strategy
should include inter-row cultivation as well as a post-emergent in-crop herbicide application.
Keep insects away for healthier yields
Dry beans have the ability to tolerate early insect pressure. In fact, dry beans can lose up to 50% of their leaves prior
to flowering without much loss of yield. The impact to defoliation is much greater at later stages. A timely insecticide
application can help prevent and minimize pressure caused by armyworms, cutworms, wireworms and grasshoppers. The sap-sucking
potato leafhopper can cause yield loss before damage is evident. Seed treatment and a foliar insecticide application are
useful in keeping the destructive potato leafhopper from infesting dry bean fields.