Disease management from the seed up
Disease management in lentils begins with using quality seed and testing for germination, purity and seed-borne diseases.
That’s because seed-borne diseases (such as ascochyta blight, botrytis and anthracnose) can impact seedling vigour and
lead to losses in yield and quality. Seed treatments are a proven way to reduce the pressure of these diseases as well
as soil-borne diseases such as root rot. Crop rotation with cereals and oilseeds can also help reduce harmful pathogens
present in the soil. Foliar diseases like sclerotinia can be controlled with one or more fungicide application.

Trilex EverGol is next level seed treatment for your lentil crop. With three powerful actives, you get outstanding protection from disease including rhizoctonia, botrytis and asochyta.
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Get complete protection for your lentils with new Trilex EverGol SHIELD fungicide and insecticide seed treatment. From rhizoctonia, ascochyta, pythium, fusarium and botrytis to controlling wireworm and pea leaf weevil.
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Delaro continues to set the standard for time tested, long lasting, broad-spectrum disease protection for your lentil crop.
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Good weed control years in the making
Lentils are a poor competitor against weeds. A good weed control plan requires a long-term strategy with crop rotation at
its core. In the years leading up to seeding lentil crops, perennial weeds like Canada thistle and sow thistle need to
be under control. And a well-timed herbicide application can be an effective way to manage these weeds as well as kochcia,
Russian thistle, green foxtail, wild buckwheat, wild oats, and wild mustard. Lentils are also susceptible to herbicide
drift and soil residue from some herbicides applied in previous years.
Get the jump on damaging insects
Lentil foliage is not generally on a grasshopper’s menu. However flower buds, flowers and developing pods are all appealing
to a grasshopper. Only two grasshoppers per square metre can cause enough damage to warrant an insecticide application.
That’s why scouting is such an important aspect of any insect management plan. And the invasive cutworm is capable of doing
significant damage to newly emerged lentil crops and may require an application of an appropriate insecticide.