Fungicide Selection Tool
Not sure which fungicide to use and when? The Fungicide Selection Tool permits you to take a step-wise approach to determine which fungicide is right for your crop. It provides you with valuable information, tips and tricks and recommended fungicides for your crop.
Is there risk concern of high sclerotinia incidence?
The following are environmental and agronomic factors that can contribute to higher risk of sclerotinia stem rot incidence.
- Moisture
Rainfall in weeks leading up to flowering and throughout canola flowering
- Soil moisture
High moisture can create a micro climate in the crop canopy favoring disease
Crop density/canopy
High plant density can lead to increased risk of infection
- Crop rotation
Consider crops that are a host for white mould/sclerotinia in your rotation such as canola and pulse crops
- History of sclerotinia in this field and neighboring fields sclerotinia infection history
- Scouting and finding apothecia spores present in June and July.
Agronomy Tip:
In high disease pressure situations protect against the most serious canola disease, sclerotinia. Increasingly tighter canola rotations and some years of disease-favourable conditions have allowed sclerotinia to thrive across Western Canada. Given the right circumstances, it can travel remarkably far during spore release – putting a significant portion of your crop at risk. When conditions for the disease are favourable and sclerotina can cause significant yield loss. As a rule of thumb every one percent infection equals a half percent yield loss or to say it another way yield loss is half of the infection rate*. For example, a 40% sclerotinia incidence would equal approximately 20% yield loss.
*Source: Canola Council of Canada.
Agronomy Tip:
Sclerotinia can remain dormant for up to several years in soil, but once you see it, it’s too late. Plan to protect your canola with Proline fungicide this spring.
It will provide the opportunity to maximize your yield. As the year progresses, confirm your plan by evaluating weather conditions and crop stands. If it’s not exceedingly dry and your canola looks strong and healthy, then follow through with your plan to apply Proline.
Fungicide Comparison
1 star1 star Good
2 stars2 stars Better
3 stars3 stars Best
Yield |
2 stars |
3 stars |
Quality |
2 stars |
3 stars |
Sclerotinia control |
2 stars |
3 stars |
Systemic and contact protection |
2 stars |
3 stars |
Multi - modes of action |
3 stars |
Higher disease pressure conditions |
2 stars |
3 stars |
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Are you looking for leaf disease protection?
Agronomy Tip:
Early season drought stress followed by above average rainfall and humidity in the canopy can lead to fusarium development. For late season disease control and stalk rot pathogen protection apply from the development of corn between silking and silk browning. Scout at Day 0 (early R1) when the first silks are present outside the husks.
Fungicide Comparison
1 star1 star Good
2 stars2 stars Better
3 stars3 stars Best
Yield |
2 stars |
Grain corn quality |
3 stars |
Silage corn quality |
3 stars |
Systemic and contact protection |
2 stars |
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Is there a high disease incidence?
Is anthracnose resistance a concern?
Agronomy Tip:
Growing a quality pulse crop can be as profitable as it is tricky and a decrease in quality can have a real impact. To protect your lentil crop, apply Delaro fungicide preventatively at the flowering stage or at the first sign of disease. Additional applications of Delaro, Proline or Proline GOLD fungicide protect your pulse crop from serious diseases and help ensure the high quality of your crop.
Fungicide Comparison
1 star1 star Good
2 stars2 stars Better
3 stars3 stars Best
Yield |
3 stars |
3 stars |
Quality |
3 stars |
3 stars |
White mould control |
3 stars |
3 stars |
Systemic and contact protection |
3 stars |
3 stars |
Multi - modes of action |
3 stars |
2 stars |
Higher disease pressure conditions |
3 stars |
2 stars |
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Fungicide Comparison
1 star1 star Good
2 stars2 stars Better
3 stars3 stars Best
Application order: |
Recommended for First or Second Pass |
Recommended for Second Pass |
Yield |
3 stars |
3 stars |
3 stars |
Quality |
3 stars |
3 stars |
3 stars |
White mould control |
3 stars |
3 stars |
3 stars |
Systemic and contact protection |
3 stars |
3 stars |
3 stars |
Multi - modes of action |
3 stars |
2 stars |
3 stars |
Higher disease pressure conditions |
3 stars |
2 stars |
3 stars |
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Fungicide Comparison
1 star1 star Good
2 stars2 stars Better
3 stars3 stars Best
Application order: |
Recommended for First or Second Pass |
Recommended for Second Pass |
Yield |
3 stars |
3 stars |
3 stars |
Quality |
3 stars |
3 stars |
3 stars |
White mould control |
3 stars |
3 stars |
3 stars |
Systemic and contact protection |
3 stars |
3 stars |
3 stars |
Multi - modes of action |
3 stars |
2 stars |
3 stars |
Higher disease pressure conditions |
3 stars |
2 stars |
3 stars |
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Is there a high disease incidence?
Agronomy Tip:
Growing a quality pulse crop can be as profitable as it is tricky and a decrease in quality can have a real impact. To protect your field peas, apply Delaro fungicide preventatively at the flowering stage or at the first sign of disease.
Fungicide Comparison
1 star1 star Good
2 stars2 stars Better
3 stars3 stars Best
Application order: |
Recommended for First or Second Pass |
Yield |
3 stars |
3 stars |
Quality |
3 stars |
3 stars |
Systemic and contact protection |
3 stars |
3 stars |
Multi – modes of action |
3 stars |
2 stars |
Higher disease pressure conditions |
3 stars |
2 stars |
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Fungicide Comparison
1 star1 star Good
2 stars2 stars Better
3 stars3 stars Best
Application order: |
Recommended for First or Second Pass |
Yield |
3 stars |
3 stars |
Quality |
3 stars |
3 stars |
Systemic and contact protection |
3 stars |
3 stars |
Multi – modes of action |
2 stars |
3 stars |
Higher disease pressure conditions |
2 stars |
3 stars |
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Is there a high incidence of white mould?
Agronomy Tip:
Are you seeing a cottony white fungus on the surface of your soybean plants? This is a common indicator of the yield-robbing disease called white mould. It is present in both Eastern and Western Canada, leaving spoiled crops in its wake. But you can fight back. An application of Delaro® fungicide at first flower (R1–R3) prior to canopy closure, will provide excellent disease protection and maximize your yield potential – leading to less stress for you. If you’re seeing white mould in your soybean crop, it is best to adopt an integrated management approach using crop rotation, resistant genetics and foliar fungicides to reduce infections.
Fungicide Comparison
1 star1 star Good
2 stars2 stars Better
3 stars3 stars Best
Yield |
3 stars |
Quality |
3 stars |
White mould control |
3 stars |
Systemic and contact protection |
3 stars |
Multi - modes of action |
2 stars |
Higher disease pressure conditions |
2 stars |
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Are you needing to protect against fusarium head blight?
Agronomy Tip:
Whenever you are in an FHB area, you should spray a fungicide. If leaf disease is limited to lower/mid leaves you have the ability to make an application at head timing to cover both leaf disease and FHB. Spraying at head timing has shown to ensure top grade, quality and yield, so when possible its best to use a fungicide when the head is extended up from the flag leaf.
Early Head
Head is completely exposed and just emerged from the flag leaf.
+6.7 bu./ac. benefit
Head extended up from the flag leaf with the first flowers
+8.7 bu./ac. benefit
Late Head
Head fully flowered and flowers falling off.
+7.2 bu./ac. benefit
Agronomy Tip:
If leaf disease is only present on lower leaves, the damage is negligible. If disease is present on the mid and flag leaf, a fungicide application may be required. The flag and penultimate leaf are responsible for the majority of yield in cereals. Keeping them clean is critical. If leaf disease is on upper leaves of flag leaf, spray Delaro or TilMOR and reassess at head timing to determine whether a second application is required.
Fungicide Comparison
1 star1 star Good
2 stars2 stars Better
3 stars3 stars Best
Yield |
1 star |
2 stars |
3 stars |
Quality |
1 star |
2 stars |
3 stars |
Leaf disease |
1 star |
2 stars |
3 stars |
Fusarium head blight |
1 star |
2 stars |
3 stars |
Ergot |
3 stars |
Multi – modes of action |
3 stars |
Stress avoidance |
3 stars |
DON reduction |
1 star |
2 stars |
3 stars |
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*If growing malt barley for export, then use Prosaro XTR or TilMOR.
Fungicide Comparison
1 star1 star Good
2 stars2 stars Better
3 stars3 stars Best
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