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New DEKALB® Soybean variety for 2021

Introducing DKB002-32. The newest addition to the DEKALB soybean family.

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DKB002-32 is an excellent addition to the DEKALB® soybean lineup.

DKB002-32 is an excellent addition to the DEKALB® soybean lineup with the Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® trait. This variety is branchy with medium height and has excellent standability. It excels in moderate to high fertility environments, is well adapted to all row widths and soil types tested and is a good fit for no-till. The disease package includes resistance to Soybean Cyst Nematode (R3) and very good Phytophthora root rot field tolerance, with resistance gene Rps1k. Check out the DEKALB website for more great soybean varieties.

Roundup Ready 2 Xtend logo
SCN logo
DKB002-32 - New 2021 DEKALB Soybean Variety Performance chart
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