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Put the kibosh on kochia

Roundup Xtend® and XtendiMax® get the job done.

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Roundup Xtend® and XtendiMax® get the kochia control job done.

Roundup Xtend® with VaporGrip® Technology herbicide, a pre-mix of glyphosate and dicamba, provides short-term residual activity on small seeded broadleaf weeds to give your crop a head-start against tough weeds. XtendiMax® with VaporGrip® Technology herbicide is a low volatility dicamba formulation that provides the perfect tank-mix partner for Roundup® brand herbicides to make sure your Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybean crop gets the weed control it needs.

Apply Roundup Xtend to Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans at pre-plant, pre-emergence, or post-emergence up to V2 growth stage to reduce early-season weed competition and provide maximum yield potential. Visit the Bayer Traits website to learn more.

Roundup Xtend logo
XtendiMax logo
Kochia control 28 days after application graph

Source: Canada Market Development Trials (2018 and 2019), n=9. Your results may vary according to agronomic, environmental and pest pressure variables.

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