Flea Beetle Damage Comparison Trials

Source: Bayer Market Development Trials, 2019
Flea Beetles
Flea beetles can do a lot of harm in a short period of time, and seedlings are especially vulnerable. This pest can locate and defoliate seedlings shortly after emergence making them very difficult to control. The results of this infestation are poor plant stand, delayed maturity, reduced yield and in severe cases re-seeding can be required.
In Western Canada, yield losses of about 10% are common, costing growers an estimated $300 million in damages every year.*
*Source: Knodel, J.J. and Olson, D.L., 2002. Crucifer-flea beetle: biology and integrated pest management in canola. North Dakota State Univ. Coop. Ext. Serv. Publ. E1234. North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND.
BUTEO start Advantage
Research trials demonstrated the superior flea beetle protection that BUTEO start provides. These plots were seeded the same day. Canola treated with BUTEO start, at the flowering stage, showed a bigger and fuller canopy. The other plot treatments were further behind with fewer plant stands.

Fungicide only

Prosper EverGol

Prosper EverGol + BUTEO start
Source: Bayer Field Solutions Trials. Treated seeds were seeded the same day. Photos taken July 8, 2019, Rosthern, SK.