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Raxil® PRO SHIELD seed treatment provides all the same early-season establishment and disease protection benefits of the number one selling cereal seed treatment brand1 Raxil® PRO, and gives you the added power of Stress Shield® to protect against wireworms and unforeseen seasonal stresses. Stress Shield helps curtail the negative effects of stressors such as pests, drought, heat or others by supplying a supplemental energy pool for plants to perform internal repairs and initiate other coping systems. Raxil PRO SHIELD is available in a convenient co-formulated package for ease of use, reduced dust-off and consistent performance and is now available in both jugs and an industry-leading bottom-drain drum.

1 2022 BPI Report – Cereal Seed Treatments

Product Summary

Product Type

Seed Treatment



Diseases Controlled (top 4)

Common bunt
True loose smut
Fusarium spp. including fusarium graminearum

See All Diseases



Groups & Active Ingredients

Metalaxyl Group 4
Prothioconazole Group 3
Tebuconazole Group 3
Imidacloprid Group 4 (Insecticide)


10 L Jug
125 L Drum

Performance Data

Flowability Comparison of Cold and Warm Seed and Seed Treatments

Seed Treatments
Average G seed/flow run
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Raxil PRO + Stress Shield (tank mix)
Raxil PRO SHIELD all-in-one
Teraxxa® F4 seed treatment
Warm seed, warm product
Warm seed, cold product
Cold seed, warm product
Cold seed, cold product

Source: 3 Bayer Crop Science Internal Lab-Based Trials (Saskatoon, 2021).
Your results may vary according to agronomic, environmental and pest pressure variables.

Dust-Off Comparison of Seed Treatments

Seed Treatments
Grams dust / 100 kg seed
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5
Raxil PRO + Stress Shield (tank mix)
Raxil PRO SHIELD all-in-one
Teraxxa® F4 Seed Treatment

Source: 12 Bayer Crop Science Internal Lab-Based Trials (Saskatoon, 2021).
Your results may vary according to agronomic, environmental and pest pressure variables.

Product Highlights

  • Brings the trusted performance of the #1 selling cereal seed treatment brand in Western Canada1 in an easy to use, all-in-one package
  • Raxil PRO SHIELD all-in-one maintains the market leading formulation of Raxil PRO but with enhanced coverage, a deeper red colour, minimal dust-off and buildup, and makes treating in cool conditions easier
  • Available in a 10 L jug (113 bushels of wheat) and a NEW 125 L (1,415 bushels of wheat) bottom-drain drum
  • Helps ensure uniformity in your fields, which makes timing a herbicide or fungicide application easier
  • Raxil PRO SHIELD offers both contact and systemic protection from seed, seedling and soil-borne diseases. Once seed is in the ground and disease starts to attack, there’s nothing that can be done to prevent that crop loss.
  • Higher performing root systems
  • Improved vigour
  • Robust growth and increased yield potential
  • Wireworm protection: Through ingestion and/or contact, the active ingredient in Stress Shield (imidacloprid) prevents wireworms from feeding on cereal crops
  • Helps the crop cope with unforeseen seasonal stresses

1Source: 2022 BPI Report – Cereal Seed Treatments


  • Barley
  • Oats
  • Wheat

Effective Against


  • Barley leaf stripe
  • Covered smut
  • False loose smut
  • True loose smut
  • Loose smut
  • Common bunt
  • Seed rot, pre-emergent damping-off caused by seed- and soil-borne Fusarium spp. including Cochliobolus sativus, Fusarium graminearum and soil-borne Pythium spp.
  • Seedling blight caused by seed-borne Fusarium spp. including Cochliobolus sativus, Fusarium graminearum and soil-borne Fusarium spp. including Fusarium graminearum and Pythium spp.
  • Post-emergent damping-off caused by seed- and soil-borne Fusarium spp. including Cochliobolus sativus and Fusarium graminearum
  • Seed rot, pre- and post-emergent damping-off and seedling blight caused by seed-borne Aspergillus spp.


  • Root and crown rot caused by seed- and soil-borne Fusarium spp. including Fusarium graminearum
  • Common root rot caused by seed- and soil-borne Cochliobolus sativus
  • Seedling blight caused by seed-borne Penicillium spp.
  • Seed rot, pre-emergent damping-off and root rot caused by Rhizoctonia solani


  • Wireworm

Application Rates


325 mL/100 kg of seed

Barley – Bushels Treated

LB./BU. 10 L Raxil PRO / Raxil PRO SHIELD all-in-one 58.5 L Raxil PRO 125 L Raxil PRO SHIELD all-in-one 175.5 L Raxil PRO
48 141 827 1,766 2,480
50 136 794 1,696 2,381
52 130 763 1,631 2,289
54 126 735 1,570 2,205
56 121 709 1,514 2,126
58 117 684 1,462 2,053

Oat – Bushels Treated

LB./BU. 10 L Raxil PRO / Raxil PRO SHIELD all-in-one 58.5 L Raxil PRO 125 L Raxil PRO SHIELD all-in-one 175.5 L Raxil PRO
34 200 1,167 2,494 3,501
36 188 1,102 2,355 3,307
38 179 1,044 2,231 3,133
40 170 992 2,120 2,976
42 162 945 2,019 2,835
44 154 902 1,927 2,706

Wheat – Bushels Treated

LB./BU. 10 L Raxil PRO / Raxil PRO SHIELD all-in-one 58.5 L Raxil PRO 125 L Raxil PRO SHIELD all-in-one 175.5 L Raxil PRO
60 113 661 1,413 1,984
62 109 640 1,368 1,920
64 106 620 1,325 1,860
66 103 601 1,285 1,804
68 100 584 1,247 1,751
70 97 567 1,211 1,701

Please note that the number of bushels treated will vary depending on the density of the seed. Calculations for the amount treated are based on wheat = 60 lbs./bushel, barley = 48 lbs./bushel, oats = 34 lbs./bushel. Always calculate seed density before treating seed and for best results, treat seed based on actual seed weight.

Mixing Instructions and Tote Configuration

Illustration of mixing instructions and tote configuration.

    Designed for maximum coverage, this 140 L drum containing 125 L of Raxil PRO SHIELD is fully compatible with your existing mixing equipment.

    Before use, all wire holding caps can be cut for easy access (seed treatment containers only).

A: Mixer/vent

Bung A is for agitation of Raxil PRO SHIELD before product use, but only if pump recirculation is not an option.

To mix: remove only the middle portion of Bung A. Attach the mixing drill bit found attached to the top of the drum to a standard electric drill (not an impact drill). Engage the drill-mounted bit to the square shaft of the mixer. Mix at 450-500 rpm for one minute. Do not apply pressure.

*Caution: Higher speeds or mixing too long may weaken the integrity of the mixer and product.

Top view of the tote showing Bung A in the middle of the tote. Grey Dry Break (fill).

B: Grey dry break filling valve

Bung B is for the addition of product if required. Product can be pumped into the container using a Parker female dry break coupler provided on top of the drum. Product CANNOT be extracted from this bung.

Top view of the tote showing Bung B in the top left of the totle. Black Mixer (vent).

C: Bottom dry break extraction/ recirculation ball valve

Bung C is for extracting product from the drum. Attach a pump using a Parker female dry break coupler provided in the valve housing to Bung C to meter the product from the container to the applicator. If recirculating, extract from Bung C and return to Bung B using both dry break fittings.

To vent drum: remove only the middle portion of Bung A.

Side view of the tote showing Bung C on the lower portion of the tote. Extract product from the bottom of the drum.


Heated storage is required

Provinces of Registration

  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Nova Scotia
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Quebec
  • Saskatchewan
Map of Canada showing the registered provinces
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