Seed Treatments
Give Crops a Head Start to Emerge Stronger and Healthier
Getting your crop off to a strong start can pay big dividends come harvest time. The Seed Treatment experts at Bayer offer a variety of products designed to help safeguard your crop. Consider seed treatments part of your insurance policy—protecting vulnerable crops from seed- and soil-borne diseases (not to mention insects)—delivering the energy they need to emerge, stronger and healthier.







Berries & Grapes


Bayer Seed Treatment Products
- Provides the powerful protection your canola seed needs against flea beetle pressure. Its rapid uptake and systemic translocation from cotyledon to leaf margins allows for a strong plant right off the start, even in dry conditions.
- A complete all-in-one insecticide and fungicide, that makes treating your potato crop for a wide spectrum of diseases and pests easy
- Emesto® Complete offers the same fungicide actives as Emesto Silver, plus an insecticide, to protect your potato crop from yield-robbing pests and diseases
- Strong insect control with a new and improved formulation of clothianidin
- The unmistakable red formula of Emesto® Silver fungicide seed treatment coats your potato seed‑pieces with the best disease‑fighting Group 3 and 7 fungicides.
- Protects soybeans from the most important seed- and soil-borne diseases including rhizoctonia, fusarium, pythium botrytis & phomopsis.
- Leads to faster emergence, healthier plants and higher yields.
- Provides targeted protection of your canola with four different active ingredients to get your seed off to a strong start.
- Penflufen provides unparalleled defence against rhizoctonia, which is still the number one disease affecting canola establishment.
- Three different fungicides, provide unmatched contact and systemic protection from the most serious seed- and soil-borne diseases.
- Raxil® PRO Shield provides all the same disease protection benefits, and gives you the power of Stress Shield® to control wireworms.
- A proven system treatment that provides seed and seedling protection from damage caused by insects.
- This protection leads to higher crop stands and increased grain yields.
- Three actives for comprehensive early-season seed and seedling disease protection in pulse crops, including rhizoctonia and ascochyta
- Deliver outstanding early-season seed and seedling disease control
- All the powerful disease protection and customization of Trilex® EverGol® with the added benefit of Stress Shield® insecticide for control of pea leaf weevil.
- Three actives for comprehensive early-season seed and seedling disease protection in pulse crops, including rhizoctonia and ascochyta