Reliable Protection from Insect Pressure
Damage from feeding insects can turn even the best season into your worst within days, making a timely insecticide application worth its weight in gold. In addition to helping control insect infestations, our insecticide solutions promote superior plant health, helping your crop cope with unforeseen environmental stresses. You can’t always predict insect pressure, but it pays to be prepared.







Berries & Grapes


Bayer Insecticide Products
- Tank-mix with glyphosate for the broadest-spectrum weed control available from an in-crop residual herbicide.
- Ideal for protecting your field corn, keeping weeds out of your field and off your mind.
- Fast control of a broad range of insects in a wide spectrum of environmental conditions and temperatures.
- Readily tank mixable with a wide variety of leading herbicides.
- Quick activity and long-lasting residual control of key damaging pests like Aphids and Leafhoppers.
- Safe for many benefiical insects that help your crops to grow.
- Provides economical, broad-spectrum control of many important insects in many different crops, most notably potatoes.
- This will provide extended control of Colorado potato beetle, aphids, potato leafhopper and potato flea beetle.
- Locally systemic and translaminar insecticide which provides control of insect pests in pome fruit.
- Insecticide controls insect pests by contact action and by ingestion of the treated plant tissue.
- The most powerful synthetic pyrethroid insecticide available.
- Works quickly on a broad range of insects in a large number of horticultural crops.
- Provides excellent, long-term control of a variety of pests with Lipid Biosynthesis Inhibitors (LBI).
- Moves into leaf tissues and is carried through the plant system to protect new plant growth from pests.
- Protects potato plants from Colorado potato beetle by providing long lasting, residual control of both adults and larvae.
- Additional protection through control of European corn borer, potato flea beetles and suppression of aphids.